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Scaleit has completed the development of the WeighNET interconnection module with the RO e-TRANSPORT service of ANAF, a service intended for monitoring the transport of products with high fiscal risk.

This module allows the use of the WeighNET application for the generation of consignment notes containing the UIT code generated by the RO e-TRANSPORT service, as well as the registration of the transport on the ANAF server.

WeighNET automatically identifies whether or not a transport requires registration on the ANAF server, and – where appropriate, checks the validity of the data to be uploaded to the server.

All operations are done automatically and transparently for the scale operator, with no additional training required in the use of WeighNET. Also, the operator must not use the RO e-TRANSPORT interface for any of the current activities. Whether it is issuing a new consignment note or amending an existing consignment note, everything can be done simply and directly from the WeighNET interface. Each consignment note generated and recorded on the RO e-TRANSPORT server has its own log, where the history of communications between the RO e-TRANSPORT server and WeighNET can be monitored.

Firstly, after installing the WeighNET interconnection module, it needs to be configured and activated. Activation requires the token using the electronic signature of the scale owner, token already registered on the ANAF server.

With the token inserted in the computing system, the activation of the interconnection module takes place in a few minutes, through remote assistance from Scaleit specialists. Once the module is activated, the digital signature token can be removed, the system automatically maintaining a weekly updated virtual token. Thus, the physical token is only required in the unlikely event that the WeighNET application is not used for a period longer than 90 days.

Once the e-Transport module is activated, the field corresponding to the UIT code generated by the ANAF service appears in the vehicle area of each weighing. Throughout the weighing process, WeighNET validates the entered data according to the requirements of the e-Transport service and displays the current status. For example, if no product is selected, the transport declaration is not required.

On the other hand, when selecting a product with a high fiscal risk, the system displays the validation errors, respectively the steps that must be completed until the weighing process is complete.

When all data (vehicle, product, customer, supplier, carrier, etc.) are entered correctly, the system validates the data and activates the button to finish the weighing process.

After the weighing process is completed, the goods accompanying notice contains the UIT code obtained from the RO e-Transport service for the respective transaction.

There may be situations when – for various reasons – a completed weighing needs to be modified. For example, when changing the customer, vehicle, etc.

When opening a completed weighing, the e-Transport field displays the UIT code obtained for that weighing.

After correcting the data, upon completion, the system generates the goods accompanying notice with the SAME UIT code. This is because WeighNET sends the RO e-Transport service a notification of modification of the same registration.

As mentioned before, for complete traceability of the interconnection processes with the ANAF server, WeighNET's e-Transport module saves the history of communications with the RO e-TRANSPORT service, generating a text file for each individual weighing ticket. In this file, the notifications sent by WeighNET to RO e-TRANSPORT can be found in chronological order, as well as RO e-TRANSPORT's responses to the notifications sent. In this way, the initial registration and possible transaction change notifications can be tracked.

The final user must identify the products that fall into the categories of products with high fiscal risk, as they are declared in ANAF documents.

The WeighNET interface for defining and editing products now features a product code input field, a code used only for high tax risk products. Upon selecting the code field, WeighNET opens a quick selection list of the product code, along with the description of each code. The transport declaration is sent to RO e-Transport only for goods with high fiscal risk.

Additionally, for products with a high fiscal risk, the final user must enter the unit price and the VAT rate, both of which are requirements imposed by RO e-Transport.

During a weighing process, WeighNET will display the total value of the shipment. The operator can apply a discount, in percentage value or in absolute value. The discounts thus applied are part of the data set sent to RO e-Transport.

Our IT department is working on the implementation of the price list module, which will allow the automation of the discount policy by hierarchically applying the discount as defined by customer group, customer, product group, product and project.

If you are interested in this product and its functionality, please contact Scaleit to schedule the installation and/or upgrade of the weighing software in your company.

Contact by phone: 0730 030 934 or email

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