ScaleIT grows and weighs together with you for
20 years!
”Wan' tell you a story
'Bout a company I know
Ah, come to weighing
Scale(it) steals the show...”
The Scaleit story, above all, is about people: team, customers, partners and collaborators. 4 aces...together with the boss, that makes 5! Boss who, not long ago, talked lively in an interview with Andreea Esca about the beginnings of Scaleit.
Now, as we turn 20, more than ever it is time to give our gratitude and thanks to the customers, partners, collaborators and employees who have made Scaleit's story a successful one, through hard work, respect and long-term partnerships.
This is how Scaleit became the company with the widest range of solutions in the field of industrial weighing systems!

We've been weighing Romania since 2003! Presently, Scaleit scales are located in 941 localities in the country, totalling a number of 6206 weighing systems (an interactive map with the weighing systems installed in Romania is updated at the end of each month so as to reflect the reality in the market - https://www.scaleit.ro/cantarele-scaleit)!
Moreover, Scaleit products are present in 19 markets on 3 continents: Europe, Africa and Asia - clear proof of quality and reliability!

There is no room for compromise here, regardless of how many crises of any kind we have gone through together in the 20 years of activity. And together we will also solve the ones that are going to come!
We design, manufacture, install and calibrate our own scales, always making sure that the most popular scale models and sizes are in stock. For atypical models, the production period is of under two weeks, and our own team of software engineers allows us to develop software and automation solutions that satisfy even the most demanding requests.
Where there is win-win, "we defeated you" does not exist! And that's because the winners' spirit has characterised us ever since the beginning, and what we've done, we've done using our heart and head!
At ScaleIT, head is tail and tail is head! In fact, it was the IT particle in our name that set everything in motion 20 years ago. Otherwise, everything is in place in the most natural way! And naturally we grew together too!
The shoulder is where it should be as well: not only for now, just because it's cool, but for 20 years, by the way everything works, by the scales and weighing systems developed and with the support of partners and customers, Scaleit puts its shoulder to the test in order to protect the environment!
We are proud of this and equally happy, that over time, together with heavypartners, first-class players in world markets, we can offer a fair and advantageous quality/price ratio: Tamtron - Finland (dynamic weighing systems on board of front loaders), Vehicle Weighing Systems - Great Britain (dynamic weighing systems on board of waste trucks and static weighing systems on the chassis of commercial vehicles), Kistler - Switzerland (On-the-go weighing systems for vehicles), Paari Gmbh - Germany (industrial weighing systems and automation systems], Dini Argeo - Italy (wide range of weighing solutions, from mobile systems to scales for commercial and industrial use)!
Scaleit's software and automation solutions transform these weighing systems into intelligent solutions tailored to customer requirements.

Because at Scaleit, our client is not our boss! Our client is the boss of his own business, which we respect, and through the quality products and services offered, we strengthen mutual trust.
That is how we grew together for 20 years!

And what employees Scaleit has raised!
Someone wrote on the blackboard: "Hard work, loyalty, responsibility, dedication, commitment and generosity - all of these would make us the best employees.
Maybe next year we too will have some of these qualities!"
It's good that for now, at least there's no shortage of humor!
And we promise that it will always be this way: we weigh with a smile on our faces! But also with a tear in the corner of our eye, now, 20 years later, because nothing would have been possible without a dedicated team willing to contribute, evolve, create and constantly innovate!
Scaleit thanks everyone with whom it has shared the road until this moment and those who will join us from now on!
The cake is big, Scaleit is strong. He is very proud of these 20 years together!
So don't forget: when you're struggling and need to weigh it, Scaleit is the solution! When it's light, but still weighing you down, Scaleit is the answer! Whether it's heavy or light, Scaleit is the right choice! Because for 20 years, Scaleit has been doing what it knows and knows what it's doing: Weighs genuinely at any cost and for the right price!
20 years…Piece of Cake!
Come with us, there’s more to weigh!