Together with our partner Paari GmbH, Scaleit started the project regarding the installation of a number of three weighbridges at the access gate of each Kaufland logistics warehouse in Romania and Bulgaria.
The weighbridges are installed one on each entry/exit lane in the logistics warehouse. Given the heavy traffic in these warehouses, the weighbridges are delivered with a pre-cast concrete tub foundation and must be installed sequentially to minimize the impact of the installation operations on vehicle flow.
The beneficiary, through local contractors, prepares the land for the installation of the weighbridge (cuts the concrete track, prepares the land according to the plans provided by Scaleit and ensures the connection of the excavated area to the drainage system), and then Scaleit installs the foundation elements, the weighbridge, the electronics.
The weighing systems are then connected to fleet control software developed by Paari, and display (via externally installed repeater displays) the weight to drivers and security personnel.
Works on the Kaufland project will continue in 2023, given its size and the constraints specific to each individual logistics warehouse.