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Software Description:

W8 is a highly flexible software package for Windows and the web that provides all the features and procedures needed for day-to-day operation in assisting weighing systems in modern weighing processes.

Control of weighbridges, rail weighbridges or other weighing systems, transaction management, stable and safe functioning, as well as an intuitive and easy-to-use graphical interface are just some of the key features that define W8 as a very important component of integrated weighing systems.

The W8 weighing software issues weighbridge tickets in accordance with the current legislation (GD 1373/2008, updated in 2015).

The flexibility of the W8 application is extended by the implementation of the XMLScript concept that allows the definition of functional modes: communication with peripherals, definition of statistical reports, data import and export protocols, and even the configuration of the main screen of the application.

Almost 30 years of experience in the development of computer systems for industrial weighing processes are a guarantee of the quality and reliability of the W8 software package.

Once you've purchased a W8 weighing software package, you buy more than just a weighing software application! Scaleit takes care of the initial installation and configuration of the system so that it meets the specific requirements of your company. When the system is put into operation, the IT specialist of our company will present the program and will hold a training course for the operators. Last but not least, you will benefit from phone and online support (provided that your computer system is connected to the internet) as well as legislative and functional updates of the program, all free for a period of 10 years! Optionally, these services can be obtained for a fee even after the expiration date.



  • Reduction of salary expenses;

  • Reducing human error

  • Reduce data and product processing times;

  • Centralised and accurate invoicing by exporting data to the economic application;

  • Improved, remotely accessible reporting.

Functional Features:

  • Control of product delivery / reception;

  • Product grouping functions based on projects;

  • Easy-to-use graphical keyboard or mouse interface as well as touch-screen interface;

  • Barcode reading and relating to the customer, product, etc.;

  • Multilingual interface: Romanian, French, English, Polish, German, Danish, Norwegian;

  • Interfaces to financial accounting applications;

  • Functional security by defining users with different access rights and security levels. At the same time, good data protection is ensured by using a professional SQL Server database engine;

  • Increased configuration flexibility. You can run the application in the multi-company and multi-department mode, each with different products, customers, vehicles and even scales. At the same time, departments and / or companies may not be in the same location when installing distributed intranets or remote-access applications.

Functional Modes:

  • Possibility to integrate different weighing modules: weighbridges, on-board weighing (front loaders), dosing systems, weighing laboratory analysis, etc.

  • Possibility of unsupervised operation via self-weighing terminals;

  • Web reporting mode with remote access;

  • Bank card processing;

  • Video footage acquisition from surveillance cameras;

  • Automatic identification of the registration number;

  • Traffic control on the scales (barriers and / or traffic lights);

  • Mobile mode (Pocket PC, Tablet PC, SmartPhone) to validate on-field data;

  • Image acquisition from your mobile device;

  • Digital signature.

Main Features:

  • Control of product delivery / reception;

  • Product grouping functions based on projects;

  • Easy-to-use graphical keyboard or mouse interface as well as touch-screen interface;

  • Barcode reading and relating to the customer, product, etc.;

  • Multilingual interface: Romanian, French, English, Polish, German, Danish, Norwegian;

  • Interfaces to financial accounting applications;

  • Functional security by defining users with different access rights and security levels. At the same time, good data protection is ensured by using a professional SQL Server database engine;

  • Increased configuration flexibility. You can run the application in the multi-company and multi-department mode, each with different products, customers, vehicles and even scales. At the same time, departments and / or companies may not be in the same location when installing distributed intranets or remote-access applications..

  • Vehicle weighing - entry / exit with the possibility of controlling multiple products on transport, customers, vehicles, projects, price lists, etc. Previewing and printing scale tickets.

  • Load control - with control relays for operating valves, screws, hatches, etc..

  • Public weighing - with the issuance of a ticket for each weighing.

  • Laboratory weighing - for integration of laboratory analysis data of product samples (determination of product humidity, etc.).

  • On-the-go weighing - for the integration of dynamic scales (axle to axle).

  • Weighing front loaders with remote connection mode (radio modem, GPRS, WiFi, etc.).

Reporting and Exporting Data:

  • Windows reporting mode. Optional web reporting mode.

  • The web reports module allows you to view them practically from a remote computer via the internet.

  • Integrated security system to prevent unauthorized viewing of data.

  • A very wide range of statistical reports.

  • Possibility to define custom reports, depending on your needs.

  • Extensive data filtering and grouping possibilities.

  • Data export in different formats: xls, csv, txt, pdf, etc.

  • Configurable data export procedures for interfacing with the client's cost-effective applications. Possibility of grouping and filtering exported data.

  • Import primary data (customers, products, etc.) from the accounting program or old weighing application.

  • Import product orders (open weighing) from the accounting system.

  • Online (web service, ODBC, etc.) or offline (text file) export.

  • Possibility of automation by establishing a schedule of the export procedure.

  • Preventing data re-export, especially useful for exporting to billing systems.


  • Configure system parameters on several levels: application, company, department, user, computer

  • Hierarchically integrated security;

  • Possibility to configure the communication parameters with the peripheral equipment;

  • Customize the home screen according to the specific needs of the application;

  • Customize statistical reports;

  • Easy customization of the weighing ticket

  • Flexibility in installation architecture;

  • Flexibility in communication with other applications (data import / export) and with the final customer (printed scale ticket, sent by email or SMS, etc.).


  • Configurable user access based on roles, access levels, and access rights;

  • Security on web access modules and web services to prevent cyber attacks;

  • Integrated database security;

  • Encapsulation of data based on companies and departments, to avoid inappropriate viewing by the competition;

  • Data traceability with event logging.

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